To even mildly insinuate that the American people are so stupid as to embrace another 4 years of DOCUMENTED economic and societal misery and angst after being forced to contend with a beyond flawed candidate currently in office appointed without proper due process by a coup no one voted for that refuses interviews without onerous conditions and has yet to clearly define policy objectives while arrogantly declaring that her policies will be revealed AFTER the election is ENRAGING to this independent media platform.
Trump haters are a uniquely American phenomenon as most can’t even articulate a valid reason why they hate him. When one assimilates a varied yet individualized personality profile of envy fueled by jealous sense of entitlement as core causes for this misdirected angst it still does not give a logical rationalization as to why people refute the years prior the what we now know as the pre planned pandemic and as many now wistfully remember as the good old days.
The contrast in administrations in recent memory could not be more stark. And Democrats are beyond desperate and in major internal disarray at this point so the global cabal that so defiantly reminds us all they OWN global media and of which the Communist Democrats here are part must be tapping you on the shoulder b/c we are in the trenches here and see exactly the opposite and we hail from the VERY Blue state of Illinois here in America.
Although the masses are largely unaffected by these subtle trigger point narrative lame duck manipulations, our disgust merely stems from creating the perception overseas that the American people are stupid, which, make no mistake, some are AND ALWAYS WILL BE but realize this country is waking up BIG TIME to the disaster that is the Democrats.
Yearning for secure borders, law and order , NO WAR and a better economic future is galvanizing the country in ways this juvenile senior citizen editor has not seen in his lifetime and bodes well for a much needed change of power in November. Short of another assassination attempt that succeeds (God forbid) it is TIME for change. BE ADVISED as they have awoken a sleeping giant, much like Pearl Harbor did in 1941