Taylor Swift has a real problem here..

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

August 26, 2024

Knowing she defers to her astute father Scott on many public policy matters and totally respecting her right to her own opinions, her hate of Trump is a dangerous precipice to navigate.

Given we are not certain how much sway her beliefs are to her fans politically the stark and brutal reality is , like it or not, Trump IS the better choice for us all, including her young fans, going forward.

Given the fear she admitted publicly of her 3 shows cancelled in Vienna because of terrorists and the very real potential of an attack at her concert the current administration she supports has clearly shown to encourage those very terrorists by virtue of wide open borders and no tracking of ANYONE in our country here illegally, a treasonous joke.

In addition, besides disrespecting ALL OF AMERICA with denying press conferences and lack of policy reveals arrogantly stated that will be disclosed AFTER the election EXCEPT for crippling tax proposals that will crush the middle class if implemented (read her fans) she positions herself as the very entitled billionaire the Democrats hate and creating a polarization with her beleaguered fans left to deal with the aftermath of an election we see as going to Trump at this point short of massive fraud on the other side.

Even in her elite world she is contending with Brittany Mahomes publicly supporting Trump so it is a slippery slope to have her support communism at this point….


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