We keep posting about juveniles committing horrific acts of violence. Our editor is a juvenile senior citizen 🙂 but vividly remembers NEVER seeing this level of egregious malfeasance or even thinking of doing it when he was a teen half a century ago. We may errantly conclude it is an American “thing” indigenous to us and our now demented lopsided idiot “woke” culture. But this post proves it is ubiquitous worldwide. Leads one to think the common denominator is social media impacts but that is a post for another day

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

March 4, 2023

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Ominous harbingers


This, to us, CLEARLY shows the stark bought and sold reality of the seemingly TOTALLY corrupted mainstream media that appears to espouse the unhealthy lifestyles and procedures permeating thru out our “systems” and to you, our cherished audience, on behalf of the masses we represent we raise a defiant stiff middle finger and applaud the author courageous enough to stand up to them posted here.


Yeah WTF??
