For the record we respect Ms Martens for her considerable financial acumen garnered over years of experience in the financial industry but like our piece on the Atlantic…

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

December 2, 2024

The bitter disgust of an election lost permeates into her posts sent. Mind you we are fierce defenders of the 1st amendment and respect the right of anyone to voice an opinion but by the same token we reserve the right to counter and the statement using outrageous in 1st paragraph to describe Trump’s initial picks for his Cabinet and key positions completely misses the point of why America OVERWHELMINGLY voted for Trump this cycle.

This is the age of disruption, whether it is politics or banking or health procedures or the food supply or law enforcement and the people want an overhaul of the government and eradication of the insidious Deep State which is why Trump won so definitively.

This is a president elect who was a president (only the second in our history to serve 2 non consecutive terms with Grover Cleveland being the first in the 1880s) and learned from that experience. Many we have spoken to abhor his personal demeanor which in our opinion has been artifically inflated and fueled by misinformation by the now MAJOR LEAGUE discredited media although we concur there are elements of his personality abrasive to many.

Astoundingly, many overlooked these perceived gaffes b/c the country ran better under him and the average American’s quality of life was better compared to the unmitigated disaster of the last 4 years. The minorities displaced by the treasonous allowance of wide open unvetted immigration as well as rampant inflation and wars and blatant lying by Biden and Harris sealed the deal. We could write a book on the glaring failures of the Demonrats this cycle but point we are making here is start to read between the lines and do not allow yourself to be mentally hijacked by the subtle vitriol BEFORE things can be implemented and results can be seen.

We thrive in disruption and eagerly embrace the inevitable media and tech upheavals that will transform life as we know it forever. We are ready, are you?

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