As independent media we are acutely aware of the responsibilities framed in ethics of disseminating what we believe to be truth without influence. Legacy media has failed miserably in this regard as the blatant lies espoused by the LOSER CACKLER regarding the dementia stricked Bozo immediately come to mind.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

November 11, 2024

Given the astounding complete and total victory of Trump and the Republicans in this last recent election completely obliterating the unbelievably flawed MSM continued “projections” on a neck and neck race , a mandate has been CLEARLY made clear by the people to the soon to be evicted powers to be.

The damage done by the misleading vaccine mandates and CDC directives coupled with lies on the true border situation and sequestered information on true crime statistics has only added to the public disgust with the media.

The plummeting audience stastistics in the MSN news platforms across the board merely reinforces this stark reality.

We take our editorial responsibility to our followers seriously and are grateful for your support. We are proud we stood up for what we felt was right and have since been proven right on those stands as evidenced the vaccine suspension particulars highlighted on the home page of

We eagerly await the inevitable disruption barreling toward us and relish the opportunities it will provide

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