This was forwarded to us by a friend of the platform (we did not write) and we believe it is WRITE ON!!

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

August 21, 2024

First, my two observations. Then the winning gameplan!

My first observation: What Democrats did to Joe Biden tells you everything you need to know about Democrats and their Deep State partners. These people are evil, vicious and ruthless. They will use anyone and abuse anyone, to get what they want. As Saul Alinsky said, “The ends justify the means.”

Democrats used old Joe Biden and then, once he no longer served their purpose, they threw him out like trash. 

Democrats are Marxists, communists and socialists. But they needed a friendly face to sell their radical, anti-American agenda back in 2020. What could be a better “cover” than a white, friendly, grandfatherly face, with grey hair and Pennsylvania roots (“Scranton Joe”). A man who looked, acted and claimed to be a “moderate” to hide the true radical Democrat agenda.

But now that Biden’s a brain-dead zombie overwhelmed by dementia…and they can’t hide it anymore…they hijacked the presidential nomination (and I’m betting soon the actual presidency itself), pulled off a coup, and then, they stuck the final knife into Biden’s back last night.

They gave him a crappy, unimportant, Monday night slot. Then they had each speaker go over their allotted times, thereby pushing Biden to the end of night, when most of audience went to sleep. That was the end of Joe Biden- and few even saw it.

The coup is complete. Now Biden’s been “disappeared” for the three most important nights of the DNC. This was easy to pull off- simply because communists are experts at disappearing enemies in the middle of the night.

My second observation of the first night of DNC: Politics is all about sales. I’ve been in sales my entire life. I’ve sold close to a billion dollars of products on TV and radio. Here is the reality of sales. If you have great product, you never have to lie. I’ve always had great products to sell. But so many salesmen have a lousy product, so they choose to lie.

That sums up the Democrats and Joe Biden last night. 

Lie, after lie, after lie. What can they possibly sell with the truth? Nothing. Here is what Democrats have produced…

The worst inflation in modern history; interest rates skyrocketing; green energy causing electric bills to explode; the middle class being bankrupted; the open borders invasion flooding America with criminals, terrorists and poverty; horrible out-of-control violent crime and the worst wave of organized retail theft in history; all of our money eaten up by interest on the debt and trillions spent on illegal aliens, while the middle class struggles to survive, and military veterans are homeless on the streets; The worst military retreat in our history (in Afghanistan); fentanyl deaths exploding; schools failing miserably; Iran and Hamas slaughtering Israelis because the Biden-Harris administration gave them billions of dollars to fund terrorism all over the globe; and World War 3 about to start.

Can they sell the truth? Nope.

So, Democrats have to lie. Democrats made up propaganda and fantasy last night reminiscent of the Soviet Union, East Germany, Cuba and Nazi Germany. And why not? They can’t sell the truth. The truth is devastating to their case.

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