As media we are attuned to the PULSE of the public and a relatively new twist in the how and why of public consumption of all media content was forged in the disastrous contradictory messaging during the pandemic. From the virus origins to the vaccine mandates later rendered illegal the masses have learned NOT to trust mainstream media for ANYTHING.
The cloaking of Biden’s beyond obvious dementia for YEARS is the lingering curse hanging over Kamala’s campaign as masses cannot help but charge her as complicit. If she claims ignorance then she readily admits she is an incompetent of highest order incapable of being anywhere near the Oval office. And when you factor 2 wars on the Bozo’s watch, inflation, plus the treasonous illegal immigration only a moron would not realize is a brazen attempt to ballot harvest to steal votes it adds serious concerns with ANYTHING the Democratic Party espouses going forward.
When we hear her ambivalently brush off immigrant crime as non existent in her world (come to Chicago) while disseminating her take on defunding the police as more prudent way to achieve big city fiscal parity and law and order it alarms us and should alarm you as well.
Painting Trump as dictator is what the demented Dems are doing RIGHT NOW. And it is a flawed talking point as he never did that while president as we firmly believe J6 a set up as was the pandemic and everything after including the now proven stolen election.