There is NO DOUBT in our minds that the botched Trump assassination attempt included elements of the Deep State on some levels, revolting complicity that to us shows total paranoia, weakness and fear and will ABSOLUTELY come back to haunt them in the ballot box this November.
That being said, the disastrous PR that accompanied the vaccine mandates (now illegal but too late for many injured or passed) demonstrated to us the game plan the Democrats employ as they adjust to the total failures their demented policies have caused to the masses they know are disgusted with them.
And the stark reality is that they are stuck with a living cadaver refusing to back down fueled by a brazen power hungry controlling dowdy wife as their candidate (for now) which forces serious reality checks behind closed doors on how to move forward in a campaign dwarfed by a candidate now riding waves of unprecedented popularity contrasted with the feeble machiniations/failures of a man cursed with old age and PROGRESSIVE mental decline exacerbated by 2 documented major brain aneurysms in his past.
NO ONE is that stupid (or maybe they are, reactions from the Left on sniper missing Trump astounded us) to think this dementia ridden lying buffoon is capable of 4 more years with a most unpopular current running mate that has been an abysmal and unmitigated failure during her tenure and has failed miserably in her stated mission of bringing a woman of color (is she really? Serious doubts there) to the vice presidency as a beacon and example for ALL WOMEN to burst thru the glass ceiling. Just the assigned task of addressing the wide open southern border and failures there enough to justify removal/replacement.
This now universally recognized desperation has fueled a sea change in their messaging and this article alludes to that in our view in suggesting non existent insinuations of potential violence. It is documented fact it is Democrat fueled entities were behind the damaging nationwide riots of 2020, NOT MAGA. And even with the extreme outrage at Trump ALMOST getting whacked on Saturday there have been NO RIOTS up to today, just a bonding of the masses in recognizing Democrats must go and galvanizing of voter registrations to expedite.
So going forward realize we are dealing with desperate people clinging to power soon to be revoked by their own actions that will do ANYTHING to keep it, including creating non existent false flag scenarios to deflect blame from them being behind the very things they are calling out. BE ADVISED and stay cool. We got this .