As we all process the heinous attack on President Trump this afternoon by a confirmed member of the Democrat supported ANTIFA, as history scholars we revert back to 1912.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

July 14, 2024

As the Republicans gear for their nominating convention this week(7/14-17) in Milwaukee, 112 years ago in this very city another New Yorker ex president named Teddy Roosevelt was railing against the idiot progressive Woodrow Wilson as the standard bearer for the now extinct Bull Moose party and he was also shot (in the shoulder) but astoundingly survived even delivering a 45 minute speech before being tended for his wounds.

Wilson was the loser president who gave away the country to the international bankers on 12/13 1913 which spawned the FEDERAL Reserve and all the wars and market gyrations since, a decision he regretted till his death in 1924. To this day he is ONLY president buried in Washington DC the capitol so in a real way we never really got rid of him in the Capitol where he sold us out.

Imagine how the history of our country would have changed if Teddy won. Food for thought as we consider Trump and where we are headed today and ramifications if he were killed today. The globalists win and US done as we know it. That is how we see it..

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