You/we ALL know what we saw with our own eyes and ears with the Bozo recently , irrefutable proof of advanced dementia now revealed in concert with mainstream media so humiliated in public domain they have no choice but to turn on him.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

July 12, 2024

Remember that WHATEVER type of dementia this miscreant has is PROGRESSIVE meaning it will only get worse, NOT BETTER. So when you read this total and complete bullshit, it enrages us to think these people think we the people are THAT stupid regardless on what side of the aisle you inhabit.

They are so drunk with power and so desperate to keep it they will say or do anything. Democrats are destroying this country with a warped and demented agenda that undermines all our freedoms for the benefit of the ruling class which is implementing treasonous policy to insure they never lose that power and we must revoke that power this November. Your kids and their quality of life depends on it FOREVER. Thank You for listening.

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Thank fcking God
