As independent media posting what’s RIGHT (mildly), we are appalled at this lame charade attempting to trigger point manipulate the masses into errantly thinking what they are seeing (unfettered and unedited) isn’t exactly that by making cheap insinuations the images are “doctored” which they clearly are not. Keep it up KJP, every BS “acclimation” turns more voters away from your dementia ridden candidate, the worst in American history DOCUMENTED!! For the historical record, the loser progressive Woodrow Wilson who gave away the country to the international bankers on 12/13/1913 creating the autonomous Federal Reserve had a stroke in 1919 as he toured the country supporting his doomed League of Nations. His wife Edith is credited with handling things while he somewhat recovered but he wasn’t running for reelection in 1920 so…

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

June 18, 2024

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Good job.