As independent media, we have ALWAYS strived on ferreting out the truth as best we can, navigating thru disparate reference materials to ascertain to the best of our knowledge what we believe to be the truth. So when the old bought and sold Twitter (pre Musk and X) bowed to the powers to be and PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED our @metropulseusa for speaking what we NOW know as gospel truth on our serious trepidations on the vaccines, we recoil posting this as it verifies our worst fears. We are chagrined over the unfortunates flummoxed and in many cases FORCED by state mandate into taking these deadly vaccines. As a stiff middle finger to them all, we have kept the termination postings posted at as a testimony to the steadfast pursuit of our truths as platform is STILL permanently suspended on Musk’s X.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

June 8, 2024

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