11/11, today, is Veterans Day. Created when WW1, the Great War, the war to end ALL wars that in reality spawned another a scant twenty years later ended at 11AM on November 11th 1918.We keep thinking of the many lives wasted that fateful morning as the forces on both sides awaited the inevitable announced ceasefire while both sides killed without abandon till deadline. What a tragic squandering of lives.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

November 11, 2023

Pvt. Henry Gunther

All told among Allies, there were over 11,000 casualties, including 2,738 killed, on the morning of November 11. The very last of these was Pvt. Henry Gunther, a 23-year-old German American who had worked as a clerk and bookkeeper for National Bank of Baltimore before getting his draft notice.

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