You read this and think if you are an enemy of the United States this is GREAT NEWS.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

September 4, 2023

Our editor has an affinity to naval strategies in his business designs and is an astute student of naval history thru the ages and read this and became alarmed.

In Chicago we have an airport named Midway which was named after the defining battle of WW2 which handed the so called Imperial Japanese Navy the worst defeat in terms of ships and manpower lost vs the enemy in the history of naval warfare and put Yamamoto and his vaunted soon to be totally demolished Navy on their heels for the rest of the war.

We whacked Yamamoto in a aerial swarm attack over the Solomon Islands in April 1943 after Chester Nimitz made the fateful decision to attack after finding out the doomed admiral’s itinerary on the compromised JN 25 naval code, the only time he risked letting the Japanese know we could be reading their encrypted naval messages. And to Yamamoto’s credit to his strict keeping of timetables he was only ten minutes late on his prescribed route making the assassination much easier. He was found in the jungle still strapped to his seat in his admiral “whites” blood soaked and VERY DEAD. So freaked were the Japs over his death it was never announced for morale reasons

Ironically Midway was the first battle in naval history where the ships in battle could not see each other so with this article posted addressing carriers it seems ironic . Prior to Battle of Midway in early June 1942 battleships were the rage.

After WW1 there were treaties signed that limited the tonnage of new battleships built until Hitler threw those specs out the window in 1939 with the launch of Bismarck and her sister ship Tirpitz. Japan also defied the treaties with the launch of the super battleships Yamato and Musahi shortly thereafter.

Point is naval straegies quickly shifted after Midway and for all intents and purposes battleships became obsolete except for bombardments on landing sites for infantry invasions. History has clearly shown us how battle tactics can change seemingly overnight and when we read this article on the arrogance of the US Navy it scares us when contrasted to the lessons learned in naval warfare thru the ages.

Swarm drone and missile attacks could be the “new” thing but with the emphasis on the big capital ships because of political considerations it suggests inherent weakness in our long term planning.

Time will tell.

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