Of course, the egregious malfeasance is calculated AND brazen no matter how the completely bought and sold and now desperate mainstream media is in vainly attempting to deflect the mounting irrefutable evidence that pins the Living Corpse to the wall. When he finally accepted his innocent 4 year old grandchild after years of denial and even going to the point of denying her use of his soon to be worthless name you know he is running REALLY scared and felt he better show manufactured morality and feigned compassion.Our question is why the hesitation in impeaching his worthless ass? They impeached Trump on a PHONE CALL and this miscreant is showing America the stiff middle finger on both hands with BLATANT strong arm tactics reminiscent of the New York crime families using a weaponized DOJ as the enforcer. What gives Re”flub”licans?

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

August 3, 2023

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