The stark reality is that this earth we reside on has gone thru a myriad of “cycles” thruout it’s 4.567 BILLION year old history. To assign blame to humans for these recent dramatic weather changes to us seems misdirected when you consider humanoids have only inhabited the earth for maybe 250,000 years out of almost 5 BILLION years, the blink of an eye in geological terms.
Remember the 19th century had 2 of the biggest eruptions in recent history and both created different levels of “nuclear winter”.we have NOT seen in our lifetimes after almost 200 years of pollution into the atmosphere. Tambora, the Indonesian island caldera which erupted in 1815 created the documented no fake news “YEAR WITHOUT A SUMMER” in 1816 and was perhaps the biggest eruption of the last 10,000 years. Later that century in late August 1883 we had ANOTHER Indonesian volcano erupt, this time the more well known Krakatoa which supposedly created the loudest sound ever heard by man as the eruption was actually heard THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY in Rio De Janiero. There was a documented shortened growing season in 1884 here in Illinois but nowhere near the impact of Tambora earlier in the century.
When US President James Madison returned in 1816 to the White House to rebuild it after the British burned it down in the War of 1812 he was unable to do so because the the cut logs that would have been used by the carpenters for the actual rebuild needed to be sent by barge up the Potomac River after being cut from the dense forests of nearby Virginia. But in JULY of 1816 the Potomac was frozen solid STILL from the winter. That people is climate change this planet has NEVER SEEN in the 150 plus years since the First Industrial Revolution when we have been spewing God knows what into the atmosphere and happened long before any human impacts could have been attributed as a cause.
Volcanoes have been a major impact on the natural climate changes this earth has experienced in it’s multi billion year life span. Whenever we gaze on our Lake Michigan here in Chicago, we realize it is a melted fresh water glacier that only became that in last 10-12,000 years. And the Ice Age no one debates happened beginning some 70,000 years ago was a direct result of ANOTHER Indonesian volcano named Toba , whose eruption was so massive it took literally thousands of years for the earth to naturally cleanse it’s atmosphere and ALMOST wiped out humans as we know them.
So when you hear talk of human impacts on extreme weather events we are seeing, don’t be fooled. From the 13th century Little Ice Age in the Middle Ages which spawned the Black Death by the rotting food caused by the shortened growing season in the fields that created MASSIVE rodent populations that spread the disease (read plague)to the eradication of the Incas and the Mayans and the Aztecs by a similar heat wave drought we are currently seeing in the Southwest this Summer these events were caused by forces no human could impact. Remember there have been 5 previous extinction events while many argue we are currently in the 6th as we speak.
What were the 6 extinction events?
Below are the six extinction events that have already happened on our planet:
- The Ordovician to Silurian Extinction. …
- The Devonian Extinction. …
- The Permian to Triassic Extinction. …
- The Triassic to Jurassic Extinction. …
- The Cretaceous to Paleogene Extinction. …
- The Holocene Extinction.
Be advised the next INEVITABLE volcanic eruption (or asteroid impact) on a massive scale will show us all what REAL climate change is all about. We as a civilization have been fortunate to be living in a time in the last few hundred years where these horrific potentially cataclysmic events have been in a somewhat dormant phase (Tunguska asteroid event in 1908 notable exception but happened in remote Siberia, no human impacts). Pray we do not live to see the next disaster as because of the exponential growth of the human population the inevitable next disaster will cost MILLIONS of lives.