Media admits medical and government policy killed far more during pandemic than the virus itself

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

July 13, 2023

We speak from 1st hand experience about the censorship imposed on us by Big Pharma via our platform @metropulseusa now permanently suspended on Twitter for speaking our truth on the vaccines now verified in the public domain.

We posted the trajectory of the suspension via tweet history on

We initially became suspicious when MULTIPLE nurses we knew personally but NOT our nurses of record complained of the invermectin disappearing when all of them in different hospitals scattered across the Chicago metro area were seeing dramatic results in the reduction of symptoms in the initial phases of the outbreak.

After that, the supply disappeared and the onerous vaccine and vaccine related mandates became the main method of treatment and protocol at the hospitals.

We were aware of the 6 day reporting window on vaccine related after effects which effectively cloaked any future impacts or public reporting in that regard without definitive proof that could never be proven.

This nauseating to read let alone comprehend.

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