This post certainly food for thought on the eve of the Meta “Threads” alleged Twitter killer roll out tomorrow. We originally joined Twitter in 2010 but that platform permanently suspended (@metropulseusa specfics of suspension posted here on this site) so on the OTHER platform we use @mediapython we have been front and center to the “feel” of Twitter after the Musk takeover. Being acutely aware of the money making motivations Musk is forced to implement on a platform built on a free mentality outside of the ad ecosystem which appears mostly collapsed at this point we realized that he had an uphill battle. We also realized his “firehose” of data was being cannibalized for free by mercenary data scrapers so the usage limits on non subscribers recently imposed made sense framed in that context. It is a delicate dance to navigate eyeball access vs true usage exacerbated by need to monetize on a traditionally free platform.We believe the secret sauce both Zuck and Musk see is an application of these respective platforms as financial conduits for their massive audiences dovetailed into crypto/digital wallet customized applications. Zuck already tried Libra (or Diem), his own branded crypto currency which failed miserably but forged the path for this alternative de centralized “mentality” infused and embedded in these platforms in it’s demise