To prove our just posted point made, here is story of Cardinal Cupich getting busted out on sex abuse report on Chicago archdiocese by Illinois Attorney General Rauol in our Chicago Sun Times newspaper on front page. And does anyone ever consider the shadow impacts of such systemic sex abuse on society going forward? Thank God we were brought up Missouri Synod Lutheran so no FORCED alter boy nefarious rectory escapades for us. Cycle of sexual abuse, especially when cloaked in the shame of getting raped by a priest as a young boy and sequestering it for a lifetime has a tendency to manifest itself in insidious and ANGRY not to mention abusive adult behaviors spawned by said violations. Catholic Church and all who proclaim the Word of God as “shield” for heinous malfeasance invoking his name in vain will have A LOT to answer for at St Peter’s Gate.

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

May 27, 2023

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