For the record , @metropulseusa remains suspended on Twitter for speaking truth. We deliberately posted the exact tweets and responses we archived before the shutdown on this site to crystal clear beyond the shadow of a doubt show the blatant hypocrisy the company(read Twitter) perpetuates in our particular situation. EVERYTHING we posted on the vaccines which represented what we knew at the time to the best of our ability has been vindicated in the public domain REPEATEDLY.Biden even rescinded the mandate the miltary get jabbed which we stated was a deterrent to recruitment and morale. So when we post this, it conjures up feelings of bittersweet remorse and karmic justice due because we want Twitter to succeed but also be zinged for their allegedly 2 faced procedures

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

March 12, 2023

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Yes indeed

Fits tonight 2/14