Now the national press is catching on BIG TIME to the disaster that is law and order in this town. After whacking out LIEFOOT THE LOSER attention now focused on KIM FOXX public defender who has morphed into public enemy #1. In looming mayoral runoff this reality does NOT bode well for Brandon Johnson, who is black. His position is to vainly attempt to address crime by identifying causes(mental health & poverty issues etc) as opposed to old school police support espoused by his white opponent and our preferred candidate Paul Vallas. The issues that confront this city require immediate attention. The attempts to police with benevolence inspired by soft touch methods WILL NOT WORK with problems systemic in nature. There has been a real racial disparity in police actions but to be fair, those targeted areas in city generate the lion’s share of crime . It will take time to correct and fine tune the social impacts in certain areas that could minimize police responses in certain situations but this city needs it’s police expanded and uber supported NOW.