Oprah has destroyed her brand and INSULTED the masses with this desperation endorsement of mentally challenged Fetterman

Written by Michael E Dehn

Founder and CEO of Metro Pulse a continually running enterprise since May 1980.

November 4, 2022

And like Obama and Biden and to a lesser extent “word salad” Harris it will be obvious on 11/9 what the masses really think of these so called desperation celebrity endorsements.


Seeing it already in Miami Dade in Florida after Biden visit where Republican voter turnout in a traditionally blue county SURGED after appearance earlier this week dwarfing Democratic turnout in one day.

PLEASE VOTE and DO NOT assume red wave inevitable .and make sure to tell everyone you know to vote because that and that alone is surefire way to win short of rampant fraud everyone is watching for and will surely catch this time around if perpetrated.

I am thrilled the political disaster duo of Hussein and Biden due in Illinois this weekend to put the nails in the political coffin of the doomed incumbent governor JB Pritzker once and for all


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